Editorial Board Member for textbooks
Wright, K., Lewis, M. Barker, S., and Deere, R. (2014) Comprehensive Manual of Taping, Wrapping,
& Protective Devices, 4th edition. Champaign, IL.: Sagamore Publishing LLC. (Print edition: 978-1- 57167-759- 4 and ISBN ebook: 978-1- 57167- 760-0)

Wright K., Barker S., Bennett, J. & Deere R. (2013) Basic Athletic Training, 6th edition. Champaign, IL.: Sagamore Publishing LLC. (Print ISBN 978-1- 57167-759- 4 and eBook ISBN 978-1-57167-760- 0)

Wright K., Barker S., & Whitehill, W. (2007) Basic Athletic Training, 5th edition. Gardner, KS: Cramer Products Inc.

Wright K., Whitehill W., & Lewis M. (2005) Preventive Techniques: Taping/Wrapping Techniques & Protective Devices, 3 rd edition. Gardner, KS: Cramer Products Inc.

Wright, K. & Whitehill, W. (1996) The Comprehensive Manual of Taping & Wrapping Techniques, 2nd edition. Gardner, KS: Cramer Products Inc., 1996.

Wright, K. & Whitehill, W. (1995) Basic Athletic Training, 2 nd edition. Gardner, KS: Cramer Products Inc.

Book Chapters
Neal, T. (2014) “Inter-Association Recommendations in Developing a Plan for Recognition and Referral of Student-Athletes with Psychological Concerns at the Collegiate Level”, NCAA Publication, Mind, Body and Sport: Understanding and Supporting Student Athlete Mental Wellness, 2014.

Neal, T. (2012) Author for revisions, “Mental Health: Interventions for Intercollegiate Athletics”, Guideline 2O, NCAA Sports Medicine Handbook, 2012.

Neal, T. (2004, revisions 2008) “Catastrophic Incident in Athletics”, Guideline 1F, NCAA Sports Medicine Handbook, 2004.

Journal Articles
Neal, T. (2016). Athletic trainers, take care of yourself. NATA Now blog article. May 20, 2016.

Colston MA, Neal TL, Fetting D. (2016). Mandatory reporting and cyber-safety issues (part 2). NATA News. June 2016:28(6):32-34.

Neal, T. (2016). Returning from an ACL tear. Training & Conditioning. April 2016; Vol. 26(3):52-54.

Colston MA, Neal TL. (2016). Mandatory reporting and cyber-safety issues (part 1). NATA News. April 2016;28(4):38-39.

Neal, T. (2016). Best of both worlds. Training & Conditioning. March 2016;26(2):44.

Neal, T., O’Brien, T. (2016). Consider developing a college athletics board to enhance transparency. College Athletics and the Law. February 2016; Vol.12, Iss. 11.

Neal, T., Quandt, E., Thornton, J. & Anderson, J. (2015). Minimize potential liabilities in collegiate sports medicine departments. United Risk Management & Insurance Association (URMIA) 2015 Peer-Reviewed Scholarly Publication, URMIA Journal. 2015;97-100. 10

Neal, T., Sullivan, P., Coppel, D., Maniar, S., Baille, P., Quandt, E. (2015). Update to NCAA bylaw raises concerns about impact on student-athlete’s mental health. College Athletics and the Law. August 2015; Vol.12, Iss.5.

Neal, T. (2015). Matters of the mind: recognizing and referring secondary school athletes with psychological concerns. ADVANCE Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine. March 9, 2015;26(4):8.

Neal, T. (Chair), Diamond, A., Goldman, S., Liedtka, K., Mathis, K., Morse, E., Putukian, M., Quandt, E., Ritter, S., Sullivan, J., Welzant, V. (2015). NATA Consensus Statement: Inter Association Recommendations for Developing a Plan to Recognize and Refer Student-Athletes With Psychological Concerns at the Secondary School Level. Journal of Athletic Training. March 2015;50(3):231-249.

Tucker T, Scarano M, Neal T, Mooradian. (2015) Advisory Board Speaks: Follow tips for hosting national championships, conference events. College Athletics and the Law. January 2015 Vol.11, Iss. 10, Article received Best Instructional Reporting Award, Specialized Information Publishers Association, 2016.

Neal, T., Quandt, E., Thornton, J. & Anderson, J. (2015). Recognize everyone’s duty of reasonable care to student-athletes. College Athletics and the Law, Vol. 11, Iss. 10, January 2015.

Neal, T., Quandt, E., Thornton, J. & Anderson, J. (2014). Recognize the valuable role of athletic trainers. College Athletics and the Law, Vol. 11, Iss. 9, December 2014.

Neal, T., (2014). Mental health and the college student athlete: Developing a plan to recognize and refer student athletes with psychological concerns at the college level. NACDA Athletics Administration, December 2014, Vol. 49, No. 8, pgs. 18 & 19.

Mathner, R., Martin, C., Carroll, M., Neal, T. (2014). Extending sports wagering studies outside of the student-athlete population: NCAA division I athletic trainers’ gambling behavior. Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics, 2014, 7:431-444.

Neal, T., Quandt, E., Thornton, J. & Anderson, J. (2014). Minimizing potential liabilities in collegiate sports medicine departments. College Athletics and the Law, Vol. 11, Iss. 8, Nov. 2014.

Neal, T. (2014). Help athletics staff develop a catastrophic incident plan. Campus Legal Advisor, Vol. 14, Iss. 8, April 2014.

Conley KM, Bolin DJ, Carek PJ, Konin JG, Neal TL, Violette MA. (2014) National Athletic Trainers’ Association Position Statement: Pre Participation Physical Examinations and Disqualifying Conditions. February 2014. Journal of Athletic Training. 2014;49(1):102-120. (Co-authored Cardiac Risk Factors section, authored Mental Health Considerations section, authored Determination of Clearance section).

Neal, T. (2014). Develop catastrophic incident plan before it’s too late. College Athletics and the Law, Vol. 10, Iss. 10, January 2014.

Neal, T. (2013). AASP supports new consensus statement guidelines on college athletes and mental health. Association for Applied Sport Psychology Newsletter. Winter 2013;28(3):36-37.

Neal, T. (Chair) (2013). Inter-Association Recommendations for Developing a Plan to Recognize and Refer Student-Athletes with Psychological Concerns at the Collegiate Level: An Executive Summary of a NATA Consensus Statement. Journal of Athletic Training. October 2013;48(5):716-720.

Neal, T. (2013). Down and out: how to recognize and refer collegiate athletes with psychological issues. ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine. Nov. 2013;24(21):10-11, 19.

Neal, T. (2010). Game Changers: Mental health issues can impair a student athlete’s performance, so support is critical. ADVANCE for Physical Therapy & Rehab Medicine. Nov. 2010;21(25):32-33.

Neal, T. (2005). Catastrophic incident guideline: Building a plan you hope is never used. Athletic Therapy Today. 2005;10(3): 18-21.

Neal, T. (2004). Thinking the unthinkable. Athletic Management. April/May 2004;16(3):57-61.

Neal, T. (2003). Catastrophic incident guideline plan. NATA News: 12, May 2003.

Neal, T. (1996). This is only a test. Athletic Management. February/March 1996;8(2):50-53.

Neal, T. (1996). Time on your side. Training & Conditioning. August 1996;6(4):4-6. 11

Neal, T. (1995). Anticipating away game injuries. Athletic Management. August/September 1995;7(6):32-35.